Casa Bernardini
Our food: "di mare" & "di terra"
Our cuisine is divided into two main categories: dishes di terra and dishes di mare.
Dishes di terra (literally, from the land) comprise of all ingredients typical from the countryside (game meat, mushrooms, polenta, farro).
Dishes di mare, conversely, are based on fish, and sea food. Usually our restaurants specialize in one of these two types, rarely one can find restaurants that excel in both cuisines.
Restaurants di mare
Romano (excellent, expensive)
Via Mazzini 122 Viareggio (0039-0584-31382)
Closed on Monday
You can mention that "la famiglia Fanciulli" sent you (La famiglia Fanciulli ci ha raccomandato questo posto) and you can be sure you'll have a great experience.
Angelo (very good, rather expensive)
Viale europa, 20 - torre del lago puccini - Viareggio (0039-0584-341668)
Closed on Tuesday
Bagno Florida (beach view, good, medium price)
Traversa a mare 16, Viareggio
This "Bagno" (bathing establishment) is located along the main promenade in Viareggio ("Passeggiata") and is located approximately opposite from the largest hotel in town (Grand Hotel Royal) in Viale Carducci 44, Viareggio.
Il buo di misurino
Via Machiavelli, 64, Viareggio (0584 583387).
Both pizza and nice fish food. Reasonably priced, and great atmosphear and food. Definitely recommended.
Typical dishes di mare
Cacciucco (fish soup Viareggio style)
Fritto di pesce di paranza (tiny fish and sea food deep fried)
Insalata di mare
Spaghetti allo scoglio (the sauce is made of a mix of sea food)
Spaghetti alle arselle (the sauce is made of this small sea food, "arselle", a staple food for people from the area (viareggini) in the old times)
Best fish grilled or in oven: mormora or orata
Most restaurants specialized in sea food serve some great "antipasti" (starters). It is often worth trying them (maybe sharing), but be aware that having antipasti, pasta (primi piatti) pasta and second course will leave you gasping for air and won't leave any room for that delicious Italian ice cream sold around the corner :-)
Restaurants di terra
Bernardone (a bit expensive)
Here you can taste the most typical dishes "di terra" from the area.
Via di Nocchi 10, Camaiore
Ristorante chalet del lago - Torre del lago
Wonderful atmosphere.
Osteria Candalla (Camaiore)
Closed on Monday (0584 944381)
Directions on their website
Ristorante la Pieve
Fraz. Pieve, 19, 55041 Camaiore (0584/988962)
Both great pizzas and great dishes di terra. Reasonably priced, definitely recommended.
Typical dishes di terra
Tortelli viareggini
Panzerotti con salumi freschi
Crostini vari
Lardo di Colonnata (Lard seasoned in marble containers carved in the mountain in temperature and humidity-controlled caves. Definitely a specialty of the area. Not an everyday food)
Pasta e fagioli con farro (Farro is a type of wheat that was the staple food of the roman legionaries)
Pane brutto (crusty bread cooked in wood ovens. Ugly (brutto), but delicious)
La chiesina (Viareggio, 200m from our house)
Via Leonardo Da Vinci 84.
This pizzeria is located in the old anglican church in downtown Viareggio.
At the turn of the century Viareggio was one of the poshest beaches in Italy. Just like you today, nobles and rich captains of industry from all over Europe would flock here every summer to enjoy the good season. A small anglican community obtained a piece of land at the edge of town to have their own churche built there. The locals (my family included) would stand in front of this little shurch to see the rich and beautifully attired ladies go to mass on Sunday.
Try the pizza francescana, it's my favourite!
Da Rizieri (Viareggio, 300m from our house)
Via cesare battisti 35 (closed on Thu)
This is no glamorous restaurant and it makes only one type fo pizza, but.. it makes the best cecina in town and it's the most typical eating place in the old Viareggio. Not for a romantic evening, they serve also sea food dishes and good pasta, but don't miss their cecina!
Cereria (Pisa)
Viale Bonaini 1, Pisa (0039-050-20336)
This place is famous for great pizza, but reserving is a must.
Closed on Tuesday.
La mimosa
Via Pacinotti 88, Viareggio.
Open after 17:00, closed on Thursday.
Dolce amaro
via Mazzini 110, Viareggio.
11:00-22:30 every day.
Via Fratti 662, Viareggio.
Open until late (12+). Closed on Tuesday.